Thursday, January 19, 2012

Generally unrelated

I read this today and really liked it. I don't want to forget the lesson so here it is.

Ancient Native American story:

An old Cherokee told his grandson about the battle that goes on within us. "My boy," he told him, "Inside every one of us dwells two wolves-- one evil, one good. The evil one is angry and jealous, full of regret and arrogance, greed and sorrow, guilt and self-pity. The other is good. He is kind and loving, full of hope and peace, joy and compassion."

The young boy thought about it for a moment. "Which wolf wins?" he asked his grandfather.

The old Cherokee smiled and simply replied, "...the one you feed."

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year, New You?

So it appears I never blog unless it's a new year. That sucks! I'll try harder this year. Maybe. :) Well, probably, since I created this blog for the express purpose of detailing Eric's and my lives and this year will bring a rather dramatic change: we're expecting a baby! Rejoice, all two of you who read this blog! We weren't even trying-- we just sort of gave up and made a bunch of plans to go to Peru in June and move to Seattle in the fall. Um, derailed. I'm three months along! Or in preg lady speak, 13 weeks.

So here were 2011's resolutions. Let's see how I did.

1) Blog more often (forcing me to be more aware), either here or potentially the preserving blog.
FAIL. The last time I blogged here was 12/28/10 and the same for the canning blog.

2) Spend more time outdoors. 
I accomplished this.

3) Let myself be less busy.
I also accomplished this, to the tune of fewer self-imposed projects and obligations. I did go back to school though, and that's as busy as I'm letting myself be.
4) Relinquish expectations.
I'm not sure. I think so? Maybe that's why I got knocked up, I stopped expecting it to happen and busied myself elsewhere. 

Let's see what we can do with 2012!

1) Eric would like to fill our larder with home-preserved foods so we don't have to buy non-perishables in winter 2012/2013. We got a dehydrator for Christmas and he's all about it with his jerky and dried fruit aspirations. I like to can and I'll have three months of maternity leave smack dab in the middle of the best canning season-- summer. So I think this is doable. We're gonna try it.

2) On that note, I will try to chronicle our preserving adventures here:
And I'll chronicle baby adventures on this blog, hopefully with at least monthly pictures. Sheesh. 

Welcome, 2012! I love you already. :D