You'll hopefully forgive the pun, in just a moment. Life has been cuh-rraaaaazzzzyyy! I finally completed testing for a license for work (Series 4, w00t!), finished the semester at UNO, my sister graduated and then had a recital, we replaced our of all of which are soon to come. For now, please to enjoy the following photos of Nebraska Wildlife Rehab's annual bat release, executed in late April. All the overwintered, nicely fattened bats make an escape into the warm April evening, to stretch their long-dormant wings, feast upon tasty bugs (after a months-long diet of exclusively mealworms), and again taste sweet, sweet freedom.

Here I am with Rebecca, who was really eager to release a homesick bat.

Here, hoping to entice said bat onto her white!! sleeve. (I just re-read this and realized I am ALSO wearing white so I can't talk! It was an old shirt.) That bat ended up being kinda scared and depressed, which sometimes happens after prolonged captivity, so he was whisked back to a caregiver's home for a little more rehab before trying a release again.
All in all, we released over 200 bats cared-for over the winter, and wish them the very best their batty lives can bring.
Creepy, yet very nice. I thank you on behalf of the bats.