It was gorgeous, and as far as I knew, went without a hitch! The weather couldn't have been nicer, the sun was shining brilliantly and there was a very nice breeze. Perfect for a May wedding! I actually don't have pictures of during the wedding, because I sang the service and Eric was a groomsman, so neither of us were able to take any. Which is too bad, because the church looked really beautiful with its new makeover, and I would like to have some. But, we have plenty of others! This post will be mostly pictures of the wedding aftermath.
Here's a sassy Sara getting ready beforehand.
Dustin and company. Not even nervous! Eric told me he swigged peppermint schnapps right before ours.
Come to think of it, I think it was this guy (not Jeff) who gave him some!
And now we fast-forward to post-wedding stuff. Here's Sara with her two besties, Kendahl and Denise. I loved the pale lemon yellow. We took Ollie the Trolley for wedding party pictures in the Gene Leahy mall downtown.
Here's me and Eric with my hair falling out.
All our handsome groomsmen!
The lovely bridesmaids enjoying their bouquets. All except Beth--nice going there, champ. :)
The photogs had everyone leap into the air, which was very amusing.
Onward to Billy Frogg's to wet our whistles!
Just look at those baby blues!
The reception! And a sweet-looking father-daughter dance.
Action shot, bouquet toss! Those little girls are CLUELESS!
My parents came too!
Before things got uncivilized.
Gettin down, gettin down...
Sara and her new Pops.
Denise TOTALLY accosting Sue. I think this picture is hilarious!! Poor Sue, ha!
Eric and Aunt Carol
Jeff and Traci like to boogie!
And by the end of the night, everyone was feeling pretty good.
The next morning, Sara and Dustin opened their scads of great gifts. Nice shiny new wedding ring, D! I chose this one in particular because he's not making a crazy face in it. LIKE USUAL.
And that's the way it was. Congratulations, newlyweds!
AWWW! Thanks for posting! I haven't seen these shots yet! :)