Thursday, January 7, 2010

It is launched!

For the few Omahans who read this, I present to you the Metro Neighborhood News!

This new publication should have arrived in your mailbox yesterday or today, and features news, stories and events specific to your particular region of Omaha. You will receive this newspaper every month, along with approximately 255,000 other residents of Omaha and the surrounding areas.

I hope you'll spend some time with the paper and maybe click through the site a bit and check it out. You can read stories about your own neighborhood, leave comments, take polls, and register as a member of the site. If you are so inclined, you can also search for "Metro Neighborhood News" on Facebook and become a fan, or follow us on Twitter.

To see some brief TV news coverage of the paper, please go here and click the link entitled Women Matter: Newspaper Taps Work From Home Moms, at the top of the page. Or you could go to, then News Features, then Women Matter. The brunette lady with the adorable little boy is my editor, Summer Miller.

I am the copy-editor for the publication, which is super exciting since the OCD perfectionist grammar nerd in me has always wanted to be a real life copy-editor.  Hurrah! I'm thrilled to be involved with such a massive project in such an important way, and perhaps I'll even write a few stories of my own. I see great things for 2010!

1 comment:

  1. We DID get our copy - Jason just put it in a pile with some junk mail, like you suspected!
