Friday, April 17, 2009

My favorite Golden Girl

On Wednesday evening, my old roommate from Creighton came over for dinner! Liz was in nursing school with me (but finished), and in Army ROTC with me (but again persevered), and has had her share of adventures accordingly. Her family lives just south of Omaha, so whenever she comes to visit, we try to coordinate an evening or few hours together.

Liz used to poke me when I dozed in anatomy and every other class, and tried to help me figure out exactly how to study (futile). In return, I tried to help her perform a proper push-up (again futile--sorry Liz), proofread her papers and kept her entertained. We once walked all the way from Creighton to the middle of the Old Market, in the middle of the night, singing 90s songs at the top of our lungs. Not the smartest, in retrospect, but no other friend was as up for anything as Liz! We had adventures in the car, trying to find haunted places in Omaha, and endless nights up talking and watching our favorite sitcom, The Golden Girls. (It's awesome and I will defend it to my death.) She has the goofiest sense of humor and I've rarely been so comfortable with another person. Liz was my best friend during that time, and I've really missed hanging out with her.

Her husband Robert has been in Afghanistan for a year, due home this summer. And they have a beautiful baby girl! Behold the darling Heidi Rose:

This is sad, but generally, I don't do very well with children. I just have no idea what to do to entertain them. Heidi was shy and I was despairing of ever making her smile aside from tickling her feet...but I needn't have worried, because Eric is apparently a total natural with kids! In a minute flat, he had her shrieking with laughter and tossing balls for Inga to chase. He pushed her on the tire swing in the backyard and chased HER around the grass. It was absolutely adorable.

Liz's visit didn't last as long as I would've liked--we need a Villisca House weekend, she and I--but I'll take what I can get. I'm glad I got a whole evening this time; much better than a couple hours at Village Inn!

Unless next time, Liz, I'll miss you.

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